I have never in my life been to a trade show, and I definitely didn't expect to actually have fun at one about hardwood flooring. Nashville was home to the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) Expo this year, though, and I have to say they have their act together. That makes sense, since they are the end-all be-all in the hardwood flooring industry. That last sentence is very nerdy but also very true.

It was actually exciting to see so many cool flooring products. Jared was enamored with the sanding and finishing equipment as well as the demonstrations for products like Rubio Monocoat. You'd have thought he was going to have to write a 1500 word essay later from all the questions he asked. He reminded me of...me, as an overachieving student (K-College.) I have to say I was pretty proud!
Also, what is it about human beings that makes us unnaturally excited about free t-shirts? It was like we'd never seen one before when we got ours to put in our bags. Free food samples seem to have the same effect on people. Just go to Costco on a Saturday to see what I mean. I go during the week to beat the crowds. ;) But I digress...

I should have brought my camera to the Expo, but we relied on Jared's phone. Bad call. It's been acting funny lately and died after just a couple pictures. There was so much more to take photos of that we didn't
get to. The NWFA did us a favor, though, and made a video of their own. I looked for us but we didn't make the final cut. Boo!
The expo will be in St. Louis next year, so Jared's pretty excited. Mostly about eating ribs at Pappy's. Road trip!