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A Tour of Our Flooring Showroom

A flooring showroom in Nashville is just what we've always wanted. We will name it George, and we will hug it and pet it and squeeze it...and pat it and pet it...

Oh, sorry. Got a little carried away there, what with all the excitement of having a flooring showroom now! Granted, it's not exactly ours, although we maintain the right to pretend it is. In case you didn't see the big announcement on our Facebook page, we're now members of ProSource Wholesale Flooring.

What does that mean, exactly? It means we have access to a 4,000 square foot showroom filled to the brim with flooring options. We can either give our customers a referral card so they can shop on their own during business hours or we can even meet them there after hours. That is pretty awesome, friends.

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In addition to the dizzying array of options they carry, from more affordable brands to high-end lose-your-breath-they're-so-pretty floors, John, our account manager, does everything possible to give us (and therefore our clients) the best possible pricing available. We've already had several customers visit and buy flooring from ProSource and everyone's had nothing but good things to say. Let's hear a big yay for great customer service!

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I tried to take a few pictures with my phone the first day I went by, but alas it was a Monday. That means my preschooler and toddler were with me; my one and only goal, other than meeting John, was to make it out of there with the showroom and my mind in tact. That said, a few of them came out well enough to give you an idea of some of their products. Like these backsplash tiles...

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And these colored quartz tiles. ProSource can order lots of different colors, even if they're not in the showroom. Imagine these babies in colors that are a little bit lighter; they'd be heavenly!

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I have never seen anything like this, so I had to take a picture. While I don't see too many customers wanting it in a kitchen, it'd fit right in in a cozy little cabin. Who knew there were Lincoln Log backsplashes?

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ProSource also carries quite a few tiles designed to look like wood. This is a big trend right now, especially in kitchens and bathrooms, where customers like the look of hardwood but worry about the upkeep and moisture issues.

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Finally, there was this large brushed marble tile. Can you say prettttttty? I love the texture of it since smooth Carerra marble is what we see most of the time.

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Contrary to what you may believe from the pictures I took, they also have tons and tons of beautiful wood flooring. The many photos I took of DuChateau Floors, Palmetto Road, and the rest of them all turned out blurry. Boo. That's ok, though. You can always take a look for yourself!

Please contact us if you'd like to take a look around the ProSource showroom! We're happy to meet you there or refer you so you can shop on your own. Call us at 615-416-9039 or email me at

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